Monday, June 28, 2010

Project Server Backup and Restore


Step 1: Create the Backup location

Step 2: From the “Central Administration” click on “Perform a backup”

Step 3: Select “Farm” option and click on “Continue to Backup option”

Step 4: Specify the backup location and type as “Full”

Step 5: Wait for the entire “In Progress” task to be completed

Step 6: Check the creation of backup file.

Restore Process:
Step 1: From the Central Administration, Operations, and click on “Restore from backup”

Step 2: Specify the backup location
  Step 3: Select the backup and click on “Continue Restore Process”

Step 4: Next, select “NetappSharedService” from the selection, as we are restoring only the Project Server specific data. Click on “Continue Restore Process”

Step 5: Select “Same configuration” and ignore the warning message

Step 6: Provide the password for database access

 Step 7: Please wait for “In progress” and “Not started” tasks to be finished.

Step 8: verify the PWA site for all the data and configuration restored or not.

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