These are the steps need to be followed:
1) Create a XML file and save the file as .sitemap
< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ? >
< siteMap >
< siteMapNode title="Company" url="" >
< siteMapNode title="Profile" >
< siteMapNode title="About Us" url="/Default.aspx" >
< siteMapNode title="History" url="/division1/division1a/Default.aspx" >
< siteMapNode title="Management" url="/division1/division2a/Default.aspx"/ >
< /siteMapNode >
< siteMapNode title="News" url="/divi/division3a/Default.aspx" >
< siteMapNode title="Media" url="/dion1/division3a/Default.aspx"/ >
< /siteMapNode >
< /siteMapNode >
< /siteMapNode >
< siteMapNode title="Interests" >
< siteMapNode title="Careers" url="/division1/Home.aspx" >
< siteMapNode title="Media" url="/divisi/division1a/Default.aspx"/ >
< siteMapNode title="News" url="/divis/division2a/Default.aspx"/ >
< /siteMapNode >
< /siteMapNode >
< /siteMapNode >
< /siteMap >
2) Place the file in _app_bin directory
(eg: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\555\_app_bin\mainmenu.sitemap)
3) Open the web.config file of the corresponding site
(eg c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\555)
4) Look for the "< siteMap" tag, and under "< providers >" add the following entry: and save the file.
< add name="CustomXmlContentMapProvider" siteMapFile="_app_bin/CustomSiteMap.sitemap" type="Microsoft.SharePoint.Navigation.SPXmlContentMapProvider, Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" / >
5) Open the site on SharePoint Designer, and add the following inside a SharePoint:DelegateControl
< asp:SiteMapDataSource
runat="server"/ >
6) Then look for "< SharePoint:AspMenu ID='TopNavigationMenu'
and change these:
The MaximumDynamicDisplayLevel indicates up to how many level the menu will expand.
7) The final output will be look like this:
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